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Best Way To Treat ADHD - Thinking Outside The Box To Raise A Great Kid

Many parents are unaware that there are alternatives to ADHD medications and they insist that powerful psychostimulants are the best way to treat ADHD. Well, here are four good reasons why they should start thinking outside the box and look at diet and homeopathic remedies, for example.

1. The drugs are all based on amphetamines and as such, they are controlled substances. Take a teenager who wants to enroll in the National Guard. If they have been on the popular ADHD drugs like Ritalin, Vyvanse and Adderall, during the last two or three years, they will not be accepted for enrollment. The recruits have to have a doctor's certificate stating that they have not taken any of these drugs in the last four years. Now, with homeopathic remedies, there are no such restrictions because there are absolutely no health risks and side effects. There is no risk of addiction either.

2. In spite of the fact that there are risks and side effects of these drugs, the medical profession is convinced that they are best way to treat ADHD. They may well be in the short term and they can indeed alleviate symptoms such as hyperactivity and restlessness while helping children to pay more attention and get their homework done faster. But over the long term, the drugs have been shown to be less and less effective. Once their effects wear off, the teenager is left defenseless and has learned no coping skills at all in the meantime. Again, with homeopathic remedies, the approach is a holistic one and the aim is to restore balance in mind and body without causing any unpleasant side effects. Luc Montagnier the Nobel prize winner for Immunology recently came out in favor of homeopathy and that we should consider it more carefully and be more open minded.

3. As regards diet, there has been a lot of hype, ranging from the Feingold diet which eliminates all the nasty additives and preservatives which can affect a child's brain in a negative way to all the other elimination diets. However, it is true that some children do have an allergic reaction to the four 'white witches' and it is worth investigating these at least. These are:

• sugar
• salt
• flour
• milk

4. The fact that many children with ADHD were found to be nutritionally deficient puts diet right at the heart of the best way to treat ADHD, in my opinion. Studies have actually shown that they seem to be lacking in zinc, magnesium and calcium. They are also deficient in EFAs (essential fatty acids) found in fish and nuts. One of the best ways to make up for this deficiency is to use Himalayan rock salt which is the purest on this planet as it comes from the salt deposits of the Jurassic age when there was no pollution at all! It is so rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

These then are the four facts which should make us pause and start thinking outside the box. We should stop sneering at homeopathy as Luc Montaignier has suggested and integrate homeopathy with a healthy diet, exercise, an ADHD friendly home and behavior therapy or effective parenting skills. I firmly believe this is the best way to treat ADHD. Why don't you check out my website and learn how easy and safe it is to raise a great kid. You will never look back.

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in children's health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Alternative ADHD Therapy is available. Find out about ADHD natural cures.

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