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Understanding Dermatillomania

Dermatillomania originates from the Greek language. Derma means skin; till means pull; and mania means madness. Thus those that suffer from the disorder continuously pick at their skin. Although any skin will do, generally the skin that is easy to reach, like the arms, face and scalp. Others attempt to conceal their skin picking disorder and pick at places that can be hidden with clothing.

Those that struggle with the skin picking disorder mutilate their body by picking uncontrollably. Why one develops this disorder is unknown, however each person develops it for a different reason, many that are stress or anxiety based. Those that faced abuse or neglect as a child may be more prone to developing the skin picking disorder. Where others have been traumatized or have low self esteem.

Many people struggling with a dermatillomania pick at acne, scabs, scalp or noses. They begin picking and creating new scabs and then continue to pick the scabs. Dermatillomania sufferors face a vicious cycle and generally end up with a great deal of scabs and scars all over their body.

There are various theories as to why picking at your own skin and destructing your own body can make one feel better. Some believe those that have the skin picking disorder have extra endorphins and get a sort of high feeling from the self inflicted pain. This is where the mania part of the disorder comes into play. In order to inflict pain and create such disturbing sores on one's own body, there is a psychiatric issue.

There is no single known cure for the skin picking disorder dermatillomania, different methods work for different people. The primary goal is to find out the root of the emotional issue. Most people are trying to hide from and not face specific feelings or events that occurred in their lives. Once that is identified it needs to be faced and dealt with.

Facing and dealing with dermatillomania is a very emotional process, because most people have suppressed these feelings for years. Some are not consciously aware of the underlying issue, because they have forced themselves to forget. Many times after the feelings and emotions are faced they are able to overcome dermatillomania.

Those that do not fit into the category of facing old events or emotions can attempt to overcome the disorder using cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy identifies what skin pickers are doing when they begin picking at their skin. Once the action is identified, one can then begin changing the behavior pattern.
Some doctors attempt to treat the skin picking disorder with medication. The same medicines used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder, such as antidepressants. There are mixed reviews from doctors as the success of this option.

Keeping your hands busy is a good way to overcome dermatillomania. When your hands are busy they are not able to pick at your skin and it also occupies your mind.

Discover Skin Picking Freedom which holds the simple secrets to overcoming dermatillomania.

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