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Why ADHD Concerns Could Be Holding Back Your Child Instead Of Actually Helping Him

One of the most pressing ADHD concerns is that fact that the meds have their limitations. I know kids who are on Adderall now for more than three years and others who are also on anti-depressants. Yet after three years, their problems of bad behavior, anti social behavior with peers and tantrums in general just keep on occurring. It is clear that the meds are only a partial answer and that the real underlying issues are just not being addressed.

The parents in these cases just think that they need more medicine and they will have no hesitation in asking their doctor for them when they next visit his office. But it is startling to find that the Brooklyn Hospital Center noted that the ADHD meds were contributing to bad behavior in some cases instead of solving the problem. They noted that the children on the meds were battling with the side effects and they were in turn causing all sorts of other problems such as:-

*aggressive behavior
* hostility towards figures in authority
* bad behavior
* weight gain
* stunted growth

The other problem is that parents and carers are not looking at the wider issues. They rarely think that certain allergens, environmental issues and even nutritional deficiencies could well be the trigger that is causing or exacerbating all these problems. They never think about diet or that certain allergic reactions to gluten, casein or whatever could well be the problem.

When we think that one of the ADHD concerns is the crucial imbalance of certain brain chemicals which cause the classic attention problems, restlessness and impulsive and anti social behavior, we should widen our perspective. We should reflect that this imbalance may well be the cause of lots of other childhood illnesses but also a growing problem with how the child interacts socially and academically.

The American Academy of Family Physicians has advised parents and teachers worried about ADHD concerns to ensure the following practices and support systems are in place:-

• ADHD friendly home. This means that there is great emphasis on routine and structure and that the home is well organized
• nutritional deficiencies and diet are carefully monitored. It is no accident that many ADHD kids are low in Omega 3 fish oils, zinc, magnesium and other essential minerals.
• the possibility that an ADHD child may be allergic to certain additives should be actively considered and every effort made to find out what is causing the allergy. The most common problem for ADHD kids seem to be allergic reactions to gluten and casein.
• behavior therapy or more effective parenting skills need to be in place so that there is a clear boundary between what is unacceptable and what is appropriate.

As we have seen, there are many ADHD concerns and the most worrying one is the long term effects of the ADHD meds. There are many alternatives and if you want to consult my website you can find some valid solutions.

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in children's health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Alternative ADHD Therapy is available. Find out about ADHD natural cures.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Problems

Brains are very complex organs. Each day we depend on them to help us do the simplest things such as brushing our teeth to solving the most complex problems, like whether to apply for a new job or not. There are certain injuries and sicknesses that can stop the brain from functioning the way it used to or the way others do.

The first kind of brain problem that can occur is caused by trauma. This can be a impact of the head of any kind from mild to severe. Head trauma can cause skull fractures, hematoma and contusions of the brain tissue. Where and how hard you are hit will partly determine the extent of the damage of the brain injury.

Headaches are also a type of brain problem or symptom. These can range from simple headaches to more painful headaches such as migraines. If you are finding your headaches are more frequent or longer lasting it is possible it is pointing to some bigger problem with your overall brain health.

One of the most serious brain injuries that can occur is a brain aneurysm. An aneurysm is a weak blood vessel in the brain. If this aneurysm bursts before you get to a medical professional it could be potentially fatal. The usual symptoms are a terrible headache that comes on quickly you could also experience double vision, neck stiffness and eye pain.

Another serious medical condition that can product brain symptoms is a stroke. A stroke can occur when the brain is temporarily deprived of oxygen which can be caused from a few different reasons. Strokes can have lasting effects in some cases including headaches, confusion memory loss or paralysis.

Although some brain traumas such as headaches are simple and will go away on their own there are some symptoms that require immediate medical treatment. These symptoms include change in consciousness, change in mental status such as hallucinations or lethargy, double vision, difficulty walking, garbled speech, loss of muscle use and severe stiff necks or headaches. If you experience any of these symptoms it is best to dial emergency right away.

Keeping the brain in optimal condition is essential to your overall brain health. If you suspect you may have a brain injury or are experiencing any of these symptoms you should consider getting checked by a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you find out the problem the less likely you are to experience long term brain issues.

Nathanael Eisenberg is the CEO of CogniFit, a company that develops software which measure and train cognitive abilities. We help people discover new insights about themselves and decide what to improve in their life.

The rapid growth of scientific knowledge around the brain creates new opportunities to help tackle some of the major challenges of the early part of the 21st century. Nathanael's goal is to participate in the search of some of these additional solutions.

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