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Stress Relief - Hobbies That Are Great for Stress Management

Almost any hobby could be good for stress relief, given that it wasn't the thing that caused the stress in the first place. The old truism; "a change is as good as a holiday", really is true. So, the hobby that you are already passionate about is likely to be a great place for you to unwind and recharge. The degree to which your hobby can absorb and excite you is exactly the degree to which it will help you relieve work related stresses. If your hobby can take you to the "zone" it is great for you.

The "zone" is a place where you are infinitely energized and time means nothing. That said there are several types of hobbies that lend themselves readily to relieving stress.

a. Physical hobbies: Getting your body moving is an excellent way to reduce and relieve stress. Ideal hobbies in this category would be activities like drumming. The more that you can abandon yourself to the beat and move with it, the better. Other physical hobbies would include almost any sport, yoga and dance. Especially good for stress relief would be any activity that took you into the outdoors for long stretches of time.

b. Intellectual pursuits: This would include crossword puzzles, sudoku, reading "whodunits" or fantasy or romance, researching your genealogy and Geo-cacheing. These all offer the benefits of allowing your brain to change tracks and focus on a new challenge.The best of all the hobbies here is the kind that work to calm and silence the mind. Most of the traditions of meditation are excellent for this.

c. Creative challenges: Creative challenges move your mind away from the stress. They also develop your ability to problem solve and think laterally. Simple examples of this category of hobbies include sketching, drawing, painting, sculpting, building, carpentry, gardening, writing and cooking new dishes.

All of these require that you be completely conscious in the current moment, aware of what is actually happening and able to choose the best response to it.

In an ideal world, if you could find a hobby that delights you and has you physically moving, intellectually stimulated, spiritually grounded and sparks you to be creative - all at the same time - you have the precise hobby for you.

Here are five that leap to my mind as fitting all of those requirements:

drumming circles at dusksand sculpting at the beachdance in a parktai chi in the forestbuilding a mandala or labyrinth in your garden

The most important of all the elements is how much pleasure the hobby gives you! That is vital. Time is limited. It is essential that you have play-time. It is vital that the play-time makes you smile.

Go forth and enjoy!

Karen Pasqualucci is a passionate, lifelong learner. She is an author, artist, entrepreneur, internationally accomplished speaker/trainer, a third degree black belt in Taijitsu and a homeschool mom of three. She shares her newest insights on her blog at and gives away free Mandalas simply to make you as addicted as she is to the pleasures of mandalas:)
Come and get 'em!

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