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Stress Relief - Tips for Unwinding at the End of the Day

Are you stressed by the end of your day?

Do you find it hard to unwind?

We all live such frantic lives, dashing from one activity to the next, it is no wonder that unwinding at the end of a day can be a challenge.

If you are thinking of the end of your work day, then here are a few tried and tested tips for unwinding so that you can go home to your loved ones and be friendly.

* Take a moment to straighten up your workspace. You will feel less resistance to the new day when you know the space is managed.

* Take 5 minutes and leave a personal recommendation or testimonial on someone's linked in profile or blog.

* Make sure that you have planned the next day in writing. This frees your mind up to focus on being home.

* Make sure you take at least half an hour between your work space and participating in your family activities. You need time to unwind and drop the worries, so that you can be present for your loved ones.

* Kiss your lover for 30 seconds at least!

Once you are at home, your day will unwind better if you follow the tips below:

In the evening:

* Go for a walk and hold hands with someone you love.

* Play with your pets.

* Colour in a mandala.

* Write in your journal 10 things for which you are grateful.

* Journal at least three actions you took today, which you are proud you did.

* Watch a TV show that makes you smile.

* Indulge in some ArtTherapy.

* Read a book.

*Clean the kitchen sink last thing before bed. 

Preparation for sleep

* Eat a small slice of cheesecake, just before bed and brushing your teeth. Our bodies respond to food by rushing all the blood to our stomachs, which has the effect of making us sleepy.

* Luxuriate in a hot bath to raise your core temperature. This is scientifically proven to aid sleep.

* Take a quick shower to clean your body of the day's stickiness or grime. Slouching a grimy body into bed is not setting yourself up to succeed or relax.

* Treat yourself a mini-spa - clean, exfoliate, tonic, moisturize, polish, groom and cream. Next find your best night-wear and slide into bed feeling special.

In bed

* Take a moment to reflect, meditate or pray. Make a special note of something you are grateful for.

* Get your lover to massage your feet or neck or anything else that comes to mind...

5 more Generally good ideas

* De-clutter your sleeping space. Make certain your sleeping space is clean, clear and welcoming. If you need a shovel to find the bed, chances are you will be paying attention to the chaos and not winding down.

* Turn off and cover all electronic devices. The light may be distracting and interfere with your sleep. Not to mention all those magnetic and electronic waves bathing over you all night!

* Clean sheets and a made-up bed are more inviting that grubby sheets or a knots of bedclothes you still have to untangle to climb under. Your Mom was right, "Make your bed"!

* Many times brilliant solutions occur to us in our dreams. Fighting to remember those gems until the morning is an added stress you don't need. Keep pen and paper by the bed so that you make make a note for yourself and let the thought go.

* Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and won't help you to unwind at all. While alcohol may seem to relax you, it has been proven to be a depressant and will also cause you to sleep more fitfully. This will mean you are tired the next day and will be even more stressed. This is a loop you want to avoid.

So there you have a selection of great tips to help you unwind at the end of the day. Remember stress relief is something that you treat yourself to. It won't just fall on your head.

Go forth and UNWIND!

Karen Pasqualucci is a passionate, lifelong learner. She is an author, artist, entrepreneur, internationally accomplished speaker/trainer, a third degree black belt in Taijitsu and a homeschool mom of three. She shares her newest insights on her blog at and gives away free Mandalas simply to make you as addicted as she is to the pleasures of mandalas:)
Come and get 'em!

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